
This function clones the value you pass it and returns the new clone.

It clones nested structs and arrays up to a given depth (128 by default), which you can override by providing the optional depth parameter.

NOTE The built-in Data Structures and Instances are not cloned; for this type of variable the actual value (data structure ID or instance ID, respectively) is written.

NOTE Built-in structs, such as the structs related to sequences and animation curves, cannot be cloned using this function.



variable_clone(value[, depth]);

Argument Type Description
value Any The value to clone
depth Real OPTIONAL The maximum depth level to clone the variable, in case this is e.g. a nested struct. The default is 128, the maximum possible value.






var _the_original = {a: "some text", b: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], c: 6};
var _the_clone = variable_clone(_the_original);

The above code first defines a temporary struct variable _the_original. A clone is then created from this variable using variable_clone. The new variable is stored in another variable _the_clone.