
This function deletes a single value or a range of values from an array at any given position.

You provide a variable that holds the array, the index (position) in the array to delete from and the number of values to delete.

The function supports specifying negative values for the index and number of elements, as described under Offset And Length.



array_delete(array, index, number);

Argument Type Description
array Array A reference to an array.
index Real The index (position) in the array to delete the value(s) from. Negative indices are supported and count from the end of the array. An offset of -1 refers to the last element of the array, an offset of -2 to the one before last element, etc. (see Offset And Length)
number Real The number of values to delete. A negative number means elements are deleted backwards, starting at the offset index. E.g. when index is 5, the indices 5, 6 and 7 will be deleted when number is 3, and indices 5, 4 and 3 will be deleted when number is -3. (see Offset And Length)





Example 1: Deleting the first 5 elements

var _score_array = [96, 77, 54, 89, 92, 93, 80, 12, 65, 71];
array_delete(_score_array, 0, 5);

The above code deletes the first 5 elements in the given array _score_array, starting at index 0 (so indices 0 to 4 will be removed from the array). After the function has executed, the contents of the array are [93, 80, 12, 65, 71].


Example 2: Deleting the last 3 elements

var _values = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", -1, -1, -1];
array_delete(_values, -1, -3);

The above code creates a temporary array _values and then deletes the last 3 elements using array_delete

Note that you can achieve the same by setting the index to the third last element and using a positive number: array_delete(_values, -3, 3);


Example 3: Deleting a range

var _array_with_undefined = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, undefined, undefined, undefined, 7, 8, 9];
array_delete(_array_with_undefined, 6, 3);

The above code removes all the undefined values in the array _array_with_undefined. The index of 6 refers to the index of the first undefined value, the number of 3 to the number of undefined values.