
This function executes a callback function on all characters of the given string.

The function optionally takes in a starting position and a length that define the range of characters over which to iterate, and the direction of iteration (left-to-right or right-to-left).

The callback function will receive two arguments for each character in the string: the character itself, and its position in the string.

IMPORTANT In GameMaker, string positions start at 1 (meaning they are one-based), compared to other data types in GameMaker, which are all zero-based (starting at 0). So the first character in a string has a position of 1, the second character a position of 2, and so on. The last character is string_length(string).



string_foreach(string, function, [pos], [length]);

Argument Type Description
string String The string to iterate over
function Function The function to execute for each of the characters in the range, with arguments character and position
pos Real OPTIONAL The starting position (default is 1 for strings). Negative values count from the end of the string (e.g. -1 is the position of the last character, -2 is the position of the one before last character, etc.). 0 is treated the same as 1.
length Real OPTIONAL The number of characters to iterate over and the direction in which to iterate (left-to-right (positive value) or right-to-left (negative value)).





Example 1:

function debug_character(character, position)

string_foreach("test", debug_character);

The above code first defines a function debug_character that prints the character to the log using show_debug_message. It then calls the function string_foreach on a string "test" to execute the debug_character function on all its characters.


Example 2:

function debug_extended(character, position)
    show_debug_message("{0}: {1}", position, character);

string_foreach("1234567890", debug_extended, -1, -infinity);

The above code first defines a function debug_extended that shows a debug message with both the position and the character in it. Then, string_foreach is called with the debug_extended function on the string "1234567890". Because the offset is -1, the first character on which the function will execute is the last one ("0"). The characters are traversed in a descending order because of the negative length ("0", "9", "8", "7", "6", ..., "1").