
If your defined vertex format takes a colour value you can use this function to add that data to the vertex being defined for the current primitive.

The function needs a buffer to store the data in and will take either a colour constant, or a hex value (using the standard GameMaker format of BGR, e.g.: $FF0000 for blue) as well as an alpha value from 0 (transparent) to 1 (fully opaque).



vertex_colour(buffer, colour, alpha);

Argument Type Description
buffer Vertex Buffer The vertex buffer to write the information to.
colour Colour The colour for this vertex (can be a constant or a hex value).
alpha Real The alpha value for the vertex (from 0 to 1).






vertex_colour(b, c_white, 1);

The above code will set the colour of the current vertex being defined to white with an alpha value of 1.