
This function can be used to set a cell within the tile map element on the layer to a new tile using the actual position of the tile to change within the room. You give the tile map element ID (which you get when you create a tile map element using layer_tilemap_create() or when you use the function layer_tilemap_get_id()), and then the tile data to set as well as the position within the room.

You can retrieve tile data using the function tilemap_get_at_pixel() and then use the tile_ functions to change it before setting it again using this function. Alternatively, a new tile data value can be created as 0 (which would be an empty tile), or by using the positive index value of the tile you want to use. The tile_ functions can still be run on such values.

The function will return true if the tile was successfully set and false if there was an issue and it wasn't set.



tilemap_set_at_pixel(tilemap_element_id, tiledata, x, y)

Argument Type Description
tilemap_element_id Tile Map Element ID The unique ID value of the tile map element to change
tiledata Tile Data The tile set data to set
xcell Real The x position (in the room)
ycell Real The y position (in the room)






var lay_id = layer_get_id("Tiles_sky");
var map_id = layer_tilemap_get_id(lay_id);
var data = tilemap_get_at_pixel(map_id, 4, 4);
data = tile_set_flip(data, true);
tilemap_set_at_pixel(map_id, data, 4, 4);

The above code gets the ID for the tile map on the layer "Tiles_Sky" and then uses that to get the data from the tile at position (4, 4). This tile data is then flipped before being used to set the tile on the tile map again.