
This function creates a new audio bus and returns an AudioBus Struct through which you can access and modify it.

NOTE A user-created audio bus will be garbage collected when it's unreferenced and any linked emitters are destroyed, and as such there is no "destroy" or "free" function for audio buses.






AudioBus Struct



emitter1 = audio_emitter_create();
emitter1_bus = audio_bus_create();
audio_emitter_bus(emitter1, emitter1_bus);
audio_play_sound_on(emitter1, snd_Ambience, true, 100);

The above code first creates a new audio emitter and a new audio bus. It then assigns the emitter to the bus, and plays a sound on the emitter.

The sound will have any effects from emitter1_bus applied first and then the ones fromaudio_bus_main.