
The GameMaker Language has a number of ways that you can perform loops, ie: have a statement or statements iterate over itself a certain number of times. The simplest of these is the repeat statement, which has the form:

repeat (<expression>)

With repeat the given statement is repeated the number of times indicated by the rounded value of the expression. For example, the following creates five balls at random positions:

repeat (5)
    instance_create_layer(random(400), random(400), "Instances", obj_ball);

This can be very useful to avoid typing out the same code multiple times, or for using arrays, or for counting through a number of operations etc... You are not limited to using a single statement either, and can repeat multiple statements by enclosing them within curly brackets {}. For example:

var _x = 32;
repeat (global.p_lives)
    draw_sprite(spr_heart, 0, _x, 32);
    _x += sprite_get_width(spr_heart);

The above example repeats the statements in the curly brackets for however many iterations the "lives" global variable has, and each iteration draws the heart sprite at the _x position, then moves the position along a bit based on the heart sprite width.

When should you use a repeat loop? Anytime that you want to repeat over one or more statements a fixed number of times without any specific need to maintain a count of the iterations.

It is worth noting that you can use the special break and continue statements within a repeat loop too. Using break will immediately exit the loop and move on to any code that is in the event or function after the loop should have finished, eg:

var i = 0;
var temp = 0;
repeat (10)
    temp += array[i];
    if (temp > max_total)
        i += 1;

The above code loops through 10 array values and adds them to a local variable. If the total of the local variable is greater than the given value for max_total, then the loop is terminated using break, otherwise the loop will continue. 

An example of using continue in a repeat loop would be:

    var _x = random(room_width);
    var _y = random(room_height);
    if (instance_position(_x, y, obj_Enemy)
    instance_create_layer(_x, _y, "Instances", obj_Enemy);

This code will repeat 10 times, generating a random room position then checking if an instance of the object obj_Enemy exists at that position. If it does, the current loop iteration is terminated using continue and a new iteration is started, and if it doesn't then an instance of the object obj_Enemy is created at the random position.

For more examples of loop functions please see the sections on while, do... until, and for.